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Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places


Has anyone ever wondered why everyone turns to God and prayer when they’re down and out?

The believer and the unbeliever. The saint and the sinner. The poor and the rich. The know-it-all and the dumb. The strong and the weak.


It’s because deep down we know [because we’ve all experienced it – a broken heart – at one point or another] that God’s word reigns true when He told us,

“The Lord is nigh to them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” (Psalm 34:18 KJV).

Living in a broken world, we can’t help but experience brokenness.

And because of the empty spaces caused by this brokenness, we’re all searching for something (or someone). We’re all seeking to fill the voids.

Many people don’t realize that only LOVE can fill the emptiness of a broken heart.

And because many people don’t recognize that God is the love in which we’re really seeking [1 John 4:16], – only He can fill us up -

We tend to search for love in all the wrong places – in things, in people, in temporary pleasures and experiences, in money and wealth, in alcohol and drugs, in vacations and dream homes, in children and spouses, in jobs and friends – in all the wrong places.

Until those things and/or people somehow let us down [and they will because of our humanness, brokenness] and then it’s just you and your broken heart…which can bring about a contrite spirit.

And sadly yet gratefully because of this brokenness and broken world, that’s where God tends to work most often because it’s the place where we let Jesus in.

O.D.Davis :-)


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